What Is The Best Anime To Watch In 2022

What Is The Best Anime To Watch In 2022

Anime has been around for a long time now, and in that period of time it has only grown and grown in popularity. If you are keen to make sure that you are keeping on top of it, the truth is that there are plenty of good anime to watch right now in 2022. Let’s take a look at some of the best right now.

Komi Can’t Communicate

Season 2 of this much-loved anime is out now, and it’s likely to prove just as popular as season one. It follows a regular high school student called Tadano who discovers that his crush has crippling social anxiety and can’t talk to anyone. This is a sensitive portrayal of those issues and very watchable too.

Rilakkuma’s Theme Park Adventure

This is an altogether different kind of anime - quite a silly one, and the kind that you would want to watch if you just wanted a good giggle. However, it is also a really well put together show, and it’s definitely something that you are going to want to check out if you like keeping up to date with your anime.

The Girl From The Other Side

This follows the story of Shiva, a girl abandoned in a forest filled with beasts of various kinds. It’s a really beautiful animation and story, and one that you are bound to enjoy rewatching, so make sure to check it out at the very least.

While you’re delving into those, be sure to also take a look at this collection of anime goodies.

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