Top 5 Magical Harry Potter Quotes to Inspire You

Top 5 Magical Harry Potter Quotes to Inspire You

Famous for its incredibly motivating quotes, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series has paved the way for inspirational content that will continue to be re-shared for years to come. From deep ponderings of Albus Dumbledore to wise words from Hagrid, here are the 10 most magical quotes to have ever originated in the wizarding world...


"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live"

Upon finding Harry gazing longingly into the Mirror of Erised, which shows anyone who looks into it their deepest desire, Dumbledore moved the Mirror to a new location that Harry was forbidden from seeking out again. This serves as a reminder to Harry that there are important things to focus on now in the present day—there will be plenty of time later for dwelling on what might have been or what could be.


"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends"

After defeating Slytherin House and gaining a grand total of 163 points, Dumbledore awards Gryffindor House the Quidditch cup after giving Bravo to Neville Longbottom for standing up to his friends and choosing what he thought was right instead of taking the easy way out, an act that Dumbledore deemed worth of praise.


"I am what I am an’ I’m not ashamed"

This full quote is from the character Hagrid, who is half giant, and tells Harry, Ron and Hermione "There's some who'll hold it against you, but they aren't worth bothering with." This advice is very deep and insightful once you think about it too long. It has a meaning that applies to all of us no matter what our job titles are! And it promotes the idea that we should always feel comfortable in our own skin.


"I am not worried, Harry...I am with you"

As Harry and a severely weakened Dumbledore flee the cave where Voldemort has taken to drinking various horrible looking potions, Harry pleads with Dumbledore not to become overanxious. In response, his plea prompts this touching display of faith. This moment — which takes place shortly before Dumbledore is killed by Severus Snape - exemplifies the strong father-son bond that has formed over the years between the two.


"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?"

Based on what happens during the climactic final scenes as Harry is running down a hallway, it seems as if he walks straight into a “purgatory” of sorts. In other words, his existence seems to blink out of existence as he enters this mysterious space where he interacts with Dumbledore’s spirit, who continues to speak to him despite Voldemort having killed him approximately fifteen prior times throughout the story. This instance occurs shortly after Harry succumbs to Voldemort’s repeated dark magic assault because only an “unbreakable love” for his friends protects his mother from being destroyed alongside his father.


We hope you enjoyed this post about our top 5 favorite Harry Potter quotes. We wanted to share these quotes with our readers in hopes that they will help you start your day off right and bring a little magic into your life. If you’d like to find more Harry Potter products, please check out our Harry Potter collection by clicking here. Thank you for reading and have a great day!

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