Stranger Things Series 5 Release Date and Rumours

Stranger Things Series 5 Release Date and Rumours

All good things must come to an end and Stranger Things, sadly, is one of those things. 

On February 17, the Duffer Brothers announced that season 5 will be the final chapter for Stranger Things, the sci-fi series that’s sustained global phenomenon status throughout its record-breaking run on Netflix. 

Over the last few years, we have all come to love this show and it’s cult following is testament to that. Fear not, though, as there is still one more series to enjoy. When we will be able to watch it, however, is unknown at the moment. It is likely to be at some point in 2023 or even 2024. If you can’t wait that long, why not show your love for the series with merchandise from us?

Even though we got to see the introduction of new characters in the fourth season of Stranger Things, such as our all-time favourite Eddie Munson and Vecna, it does not appear that there will be any new characters introduced in the fifth and final season of the show. Matt Duffer has apparently said that they did not want to add new characters for the upcoming fifth season of "Stranger Things” so that they can focus on the original characters.

What about the rumours of Stranger Things spin offs? 

We have no idea what will happen, and the Duffer brothers have been tight-lipped about anything that goes beyond the emotional rollercoaster that has been promised. 

However, it is not a stretch to say that these events could spill over into the Stranger Things spin-off because yes, there have been talks of one and they are not just wishful conversations that have been exchanged via the Twitterverse. The reason for this is that yes, there have been talks of one by the Duffer brothers themselves.