5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Winter

5 Ways to Stay Healthy this Winter

With winter in full force, your immune system can easily take a knock. That’s why it’s important to look after your health even more during this time of year. We have compiled a list of tips to help keep your immune system on top form this winter.


  • Eat your vitamins

  • Nutrients are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables so it’s important to load up on salads and smoothies at this time of year. You can find a huge variety of healthy recipes which are packed with vegetables, while fruits like mango and pineapple are so sweet that you forget they are even healthy. Who says that healthy eating has to be boring?


  • Wash your hands often and well

  • Give your hands a clean any time you’re about to touch food, after you’ve used the bathroom or after you spend time around someone else who is sick. The proper way to wash: Lather your hands, then scrub them in warm or cold running water for at least 20 seconds, or the length of time it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday” song twice. Frequent hand washing tends to dry out skin, so it’s a good idea to moisturise after you wash.


  • Get plenty of sleep

  • Hitting the hay at a reasonable hour is one of the easiest things you can do to help keep your immune system going strong. Think of sleep as refuelling your body. A car couldn’t run without gas, right? Same for your body – it can’t properly run without sufficient sleep.


  • Keep hydrated

  • Hydration is essential any time of the year, but it’s especially important when dry winter air tends to zap away moisture. Carry a bottle of water around with you, and ask for refills at restaurants. Herbal tea counts as water, too, so consider making an evening ritual of sipping herbal teas.


  • Get moving

  • Regular exercise can contribute to good health as well as a healthy immune system. Getting up and moving may help you catch more quality sleep and help to fight off those nasty winter bugs.

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