Top 5 Christmas songs this year

Top 5 Christmas songs this year

When the Christmas music starts playing in the house, the festive period has officially begun., Struggling to get into the mood? Here are five of the top Christmas song this year to have on a playlist to play on the phone 475,593,432 times. 

All I want for Christmas is you - Mariah Carey

It wouldn’t be Christmas unless the iconic diva herself, Mariah Carey, didn’t feature on the list. As probably one of the most popular festive tunes ever, it’s a great one to kick off the Christmas period with Mariah’s whistle note and riffs galore talents.

  1. Snowman - Sia

Sia released a festive stocking for the world to hear a few years ago now and some of her songs have managed to hit the top 40 over and over again. Most notably, Snowman is a favourite that if you haven’t listened to already, you need to

  1. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas - Michael Buble

With a voice of smooth butter, Michael Buble is everyone’s loveable, suit-wearing singer. His most popular festive tune is going to help anyone get into the festive mood with just one play.

  1. I wish it could be Christmas every day - Wizzard

Yes, we all secretly wish that Christmas could, in fact, be an everyday occasion. That’s why Wizzard’s festive song is one that has captured the hearts of generations over the years.

  1. Santa tell me - Ariana Grande

With a voice like Mariah’s and an icon in her own right, Ariana Grande had her own pop at the festive pop tunes and succeeded with Santa tell me. It’s a typical romantic tune with an addictive beat that you’ll have on again and again.

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