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welcome to the fun forest

at fun cases we try to work as environmentally friendly as possible. that's why we've made a pledge, to plant and entire forest which we're calling, the fun forest.

what we are doing

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planting trees

for every order placed on our website, we'll plant a tree

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carbon offsetting

we carbon offset all of our production and deliveries

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green power

we only use green power in our office and workshop

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recyclable packaging

all of our packaging is fully recyclable

our impact so far this year


trees planted


tonnes of carbon offset

projects we've contributed to


Planting forest gardens in Tanzania

This project will take place in Iringa, a region in the south of Tanzania which stretches along the ridges and valleys of the Udzungwa Mountains. Currently, farmers in Iringa are predominantly planting one or two types of crops. This method of planting leaves farmers incredibly vulnerable to extreme weather events, pests, and market fluctuations.

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Forest restoration in Kenya

Deforestation which has taken place in this region particularly since the 1970s – to support agriculture, charcoal production and livestock – has caused widespread degradation of the land, and when combined with recent droughts in the region has caused severe hydrological damage throughout local watersheds.

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Generating wind power in the United States

The USA is the world’s largest historical emitter, responsible for around 25% of all historical emissions. The US is also a high-consuming country, with among the world’s highest per capita emissions.

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Avoiding methane emissions from landfill in Brazil

Turning methane gas into electricity in Brazil with our partner, Ecologi
